Check this tool out!! We thought this thing looked perfect for remodeling. Could've been really helpful on that wood-floor demolition we did..
I like how the video insinuates that the tool was able to single-handedly remodel entire rooms. Too bad it has a hefty price tag - $400!
So look what we bought instead. Harbor Freight - only $32 with a coupon that i vandalized right out of a public library magazine. (Felony or Misdemeanor?) And it works too. We used it to cut a hole for an outlet in the back of an already installed cabinet.
That's right, I can't think of any really good excuse for my lack of blogging lately. The kitchen is coming along fabulously. The pics I'm about to show you are from.. hmm.. two weeks ago?? Here's an updated kitchen to-do list:
We have had three visitors for the past few days so we've lots of sightseeing and a little kitchen work as well. Hanging the giant three-cabinets-in-one thing was something August and I definitely couldn't do by ourselves. But, its done now!
We also did the ultimate Colorado tourist attraction: Pike's Peak. (Our first fourteener!! ha ha ha). At 14,110 feet, the weather was alternating between snowy and sunny, and the temp was in the 30's. Cold!! The whole visit was a blast though, and we very sorry to see them go.