I'm "working from home" today, sitting at the new desk area in the kitchen, which I love. There a great view of the backyard - snow coming down right now! Close proximity to the food. The optical mouse even works on the granite. No need for a mouse pad. What more could you ask for?

There's some new trim for the above window being stained in the garage as we speak. Odds and ends like that are about all we've done for the past few days. With the floor done and the appliances in their forever homes, there's no more sense of urgency here. I guess we are also anticipating the door making process which is sure to be slow and tedious.
Here's close-up view of the backsplash. As soon as that trim is installed, we're putting it up around the desk area too.

The slate floor is done as well. True to form we sold the extra 100 sq ft of slate to a nice family from Boulder for $100. That's a little less than we paid for it but I did sort through every single box and select the nicest tiles so... I think they deserved the discount. Grouting that stuff was no fun, let me tell you, and I'm not 100% sure that the grout/mortar wasn't a contributor to my mysterious allergic reaction. I do love the results, but seriously, for the time and energy and buckets of water it took to get that stuff clean, I don't know if I would do it again.