Problem: Giant crack in the sheetrock on the ceiling. HUGE!

Just kiddin'. We didn't stop there... I watch HGTV. Now we have space separation, transition, and blah blah blah... best of all, no *visible* crack in the ceiling.

Two first time home owners and one big dog attack a typical 70s split-level home
This trick is the coolest if you've managed to bang up, scratch, or dent your nice expensive raw wood. Set the iron on the highest steam setting. After its warm and steamy, let the steam from the iron soak into the dented part of the wood but don't press the iron directly on the wood. If the wood is just dented, then the damage will magically disappear before your eyes. MAGIC. With scratches, there will also be a major improvement but probably not perfection. This whole process takes just a few seconds. Its a no-brainer on solid wood, and while the internet advises against this for plywood, I've done it several times with great results. I haven't tried this on finished wood, also not recommended by most, but I will one day, just to see what happens.