Monday, September 6, 2010

Baby room - getting there!

The baby room is functional now... All major furniture purchased. Pictures on the wall. Now we just need the baby, and probably some diapers.

Here's the view from the hallway door.

Here's the glider we picked up off craigslist today. I'm still scoping for one that's "exactly what I'm looking for", but they are hard to come by. I've only seen a couple in the past 2 months and both were gone before I could get to them. This one looks good enough though.

These are some of August's baby clothes - too cute to hang in the closet.

And a close up of my bumper. Turned out pretty well!

0 to 60 in... a couple of days

Here's the "zero" - from before we moved in. Don't worry, those drapes left with the previous owner.

And here's the work of just 2 days. Ceiling retextured. Carpet out. Walls and trim painted. Ceiling fan installed. New sheets. Now all we need is maybe some curtains, and a couple of matching night stands.

I feel so grown up now!! A good thing, since we are expecting to become parents in the next few weeks! See next post!