A little background information on the house -- it has several aluminum wired electrical circuits -- which is a no-no now-a-days, but apparently was just fine back in the disco decade.
You can google aluminum wire and see what kinds of trouble it can cause......
Needless to say, reworking these circuits is a high priority on our list. Gotta get some good 'ole copper in there.
We were at Lowe's early last Saturday morning to buy the necessary supplies for me to begin the first of several tricky improvements on these circuits. So I spent my entire day last Saturday re-wiring the basement with 12-2 copper wire. It was a little tricky since the basement ceiling has been fully sheetrocked, but I managed to get it done with a minimum number of holes cut in ceiling -- and a good bit of holding my mouth right while I fished the new wire in place with the old.
We figured, while I was doing it, I might as well improve the circuit to 20A and add a couple additional receptacles (the first being a GFCI suggested by mh's dad). It was a good day's work -- and I still have like 200ft of romex left....
you guys, do i love you because you're nerds or are is it just that i first met you because we were all mutual nerds? Seriously, enjoy the house. :)
What's wrong with aluminum wiring? I hear they use it on the space ship.
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