Anyways, we very appropriately decided to celebrate the 4th of July by visiting Rocky Mountain National Park. How can you get any more American than that? We weren't the only ones with that idea either, but we managed to steer clear of the congestion most of the time.
It is amazing there in the summer. I highly recommend it. There are waterfalls and babbling mountains brooks everywhere, and still snow in some places. There are tons of hiking trails for all levels. Fortunately for my mother, you can get higher than 12,000 feet above sea-level without getting out of the car. (The Subaru was a real sport about the whole thing.)
We should really drive up to the mountains more often. They are only 30 miles from here.. Thats like driving from Columbus to Starkville, but somehow it seems like a real trek. (Note to self: Spend more time doing "Colorado"-type things.)
Here's a few pictures:
<< This is where some antler-ed
animal been scratching his head.
Now you know.
Ignore that "u-turn" sign.
These elk are WILD.
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