Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall In the Mountains

Its really getting cooler - frost on the windows every morning but still very pleasant in the day time. I've been spending a good amount of time in front of the fireplace with its new mantel in our new chair that we got for free the other day. The fireplace has an on/off switch and I LOVE it. Anyways, with the holidays coming up so soon, I wanted to share the newest Dale family Christmas tradition that we started last year. Its very simple. All Christmas gifts must:
  • Cost less than $10
  • Come from a Thrift Store
  • Be home-made (eg. crafts, artwork)
  • Be something you already had. (re-gifting, etc)
They can fit into any category or be all of the above. Its that easy. The result is a fabulously creative, non-commercial Christmas. It fits us perfectly as we are basically all grown-ups, especially since Andrew is now married and can no longer be considered "the baby". This year is going to be even better because the Colorado thrift store selection is head-and-shoulders above Jackson. People throw away better stuff here.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

My favorite Boulder thrift store is the Humane Society. I also like Ares for the books. We are coming to visit Nov. 7th.