Monday, February 9, 2009


This weekend was a little frustrating for both of us because we had a lot of free time and big plans, but we didn't get a lot of results. We are struggling with decisions related to the router, router table, router bits, etc. This is something required for making doors, and honestly we have no real need to worry about the doors until all the carcasses are complete... EXCEPT that we decided to put FAKE doors on the back side of the peninsula and that's all that's keeping us from staining and installing the face-frames that were shown on the last post. Here is a play-by-play recap of the router table saga:

Last Week
  • Purchase cheap router table and cheap router bit from Sears
  • Decide that they are both very poorly designed
  • Pick out a nicer model from Tool King
  • Return purchases to Sears
  • Drive to Tool King ~ nearly an hour away
  • Get convinced by older "wiser" sales person that the router table route is too expensive and opt to try to make all the joints using a dado set (already own that)
  • Get home and realize that we actually need to know what type of hinges we're going to use in order to properly size the fake doors (which will not have hinges...)
  • Sift through the 93pg Blum hinge selection guide - its very thorough. Pick out these puppies:
  • Cut out pieces for 2 fake door frames.
  • Make some test cuts on scrap wood.
  • Realize that there's no possible way we'll get the accuracy we want using the table saw. (Thanks wise old salesman....)
  • Decide we will still need a router table
  • Drive to Loveland after church to buy the router table we originally intended to buy from Tool King.
  • Get there and realize its not much better than the $80 Sear model purchased on Wednesday.
  • Leave the store confused and put out by the whole situation.
That's this weekend in a nutshell... agh! Sometimes these things just don't go as smoothly as you would like them. Actually we did get a few other things done: We did try using the router without the table - this will enable us to limp by on these first two fake doors. Also we did get a nicer router bit from the second store. So stay tuned for more information about WHICH router table we'll end up with!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you gonna be done by the time we come? ;) we'll be glad to help out...