And as of last night, even the sink is installed. hallelujah! The desk area (i.e. kitchen annex) is also *almost* done. Should be done by Friday. What in the world will we do with our 3.5 day weekend?? I'm sure will think of something. Shelving is high on my priority list.

And a random shot of me, to prove that I do occasionally do some work myself.

Wow it looks good.
very good... very igneous!
but is it granite... or is it monzonite...
only your petrographer knows for sure...plagioclase, orthoclase, amphibole, pyroxene, and biotite
all looking good!
this all looks fabulous! i can't wait to see it when Keith and I come to visit....or will we get roped into renovations ourselves....haha. :)
It looks great!
August, too bad I wasn't there to help...:)
Your home improvement is kicking my home improvement's butt.
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