Friday, May 28, 2010

Baby Room!!

One thing we did a few weeks ago: paint the baby room! My parents were here in April and were kind enough to basically knock this entire project out for us. At that time, we didn't know the gender, so we went with a nice taupe/gray color.. neutral... This is a-okay with me because I'm not thrilled with pink or blue or with the idea of repainting it for when we sell. So, gray it is.. Don't get too upset though, I promise to use a bunch of stimulating colors in the accessories. Well, I also want black furniture.. but aside from that.. :) Jail-cell chic?

Mom hard at work Getting there
Ta da! Check out that brand new overhead light.

1 comment:

Shiloe @ Tar Paper Crane said...

Very pretty! I'm so glad you didn't succumb to the pink-or-blue pressure!