Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So much for taking a week off, eh? I see its been over 2 months. I have excuses: At first we weren’t doing ANY work on the house, so there was nothing to blog about. And then we were doing so MUCH work on the house that I didn’t have the energy to blog about it. However, this week I am travelling on business – internationally! – so I plan to right the situation. Okay, its just Canada, not that exciting. Toronto, no less.

Now for a little ranting: This is an international flight. I did have to show my passport. And it is 3.5 hours long. But, it’s a tiny little plane. I’m on row 16 of 18 total, and there are only 2 seats on each side of the aisle. They aren’t even serving crackers. The over head bins aren’t big enough to hold carry-on suitcases. Thanks goodness for plane-side check! I feel like I’m on one of those regional jets from Dallas to JAN. If I have to fill out a customs form, I don’t believe I should still have to pay the $25 luggage fee. I do harbor a grudge against United, ever since I flew to Asia in 2003 on a plane that obviously hadn’t been renovated since the late 80s. They showed movies on a pull-down projector screen. So that, and the strips of glow-in-the-dark tape along either side of the aisle on this plane, is all the proof I need to conclude that United is the suckiest of all airlines. Too bad its hub is in Denver.

Anyway, back at the house, August has a list a mile long of odds-n-ends to tie up while I’m away. You should know that we *HAVE* started the cabinet doors, although very recently. Before that we renovated the two guest rooms from ceiling to floor. They look great. Now only our master bedroom remains in old-lady style.

Check back tomorrow for details on these and other exciting projects!

1 comment:

bb said...


It's tomorrow and I checked back for exciting details on this and other projects...and got no details. Please remedy this immediately. :)
